The Curia meeting for the 2nd Quarter will come up on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at the Justice, Development and Peace Commission Conference Hall by 10:00am. All those concerned should...
National Mother’s Day celebration comes up on April 24, 2022 and this shall be observed at Parish level. Every parish is encouraged to make this a remarkable and memorable celebration...
The Chrism Mass is that which is properly concelebrated by the Bishop with his Clergy. It is a sign of unity and communion of the Priests with their Bishop. At...
The Diocese shall be hosting the meeting of the Nigerian Catholic Diocesan Priests Association of Lagos Ecclesiastical Province on 29th March, 2022 at St. Sebastian Catholic Cathedral, Odo-Egbo. It shall begin...
The Catholic Men Organization of Nigeria, Ijebu-Ode Diocese shall be having their second General Meeting of the year on 27th March, 2022 at St. John Vianney Catholic Church, Iperu.
10:00 AM
St. Timothy Catholic Church, Degun, Ijebu-Ode. It shall begin immediately after 10.a.m Mass.
The second Diocesan Meeting of the CWON shall come up on March 20, 2022, at St. Timothy Catholic Church, Degun, Ijebu-Ode. It shall begin immediately after 10.a.m Mass.
This year’s Laity Week will begin on March 13 to 20, 2022, with the theme: Resilience in Witnessing for Christ amidst Socio-economic and Security Challenges. This is to be celebrated...
This month’s training programme of Catechists shall come up on March 12, 2022 at the Catechetical Centre, Motubo, Ijebu-Ode at 11.00a.m.
There shall be Lenten Recollection for all Agents of Evangelization...
The Diocesan CYON General Meeting shall take place on March 12, 2022, at St. Michael Catholic Church, Ilisan.
The Diocesan Executives of the CYON shall be visiting all parishes in Iloti...
Abbe-Louis Bautain Retreat and Conference Centre, Ijebu-Itele
All Priests working in the Diocese will be on their annual retreat of the year 2022 from March 7th – 11th, 2022, at Abbe-Louis Bautain Retreat and Conference Centre, Ijebu-Itele with...
The Lenten Retreat of the Nigeria Conference of Women Religious, Ijebu-Ode Area will come up on Saturday, 5th March, 2022 at Passionist Sisters Community, Idomila, Ijebu-Ode by 10am. All members should...