Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Grace and Peace of the Lord be with you.
⦁ The Month of March: Welcome to the 3rd month of the year 2021. This month we launch ourselves fully into the season of Lent. Our Lenten journey invites us to draw closer to God through the 3 pillars of Lent: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. During this month, we shall be celebrating the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary (March 19) and the Solemnity of the Annunciation (March 25). These solemnities call us to reflect on the lives of Joseph and Mary whose obedience to God brought us salvation and redemption. In the life of Joseph, we have the example of a selfless and responsible father to emulate as we celebrate the year of St. Joseph. Mary’s FIAT at the Annunciation teaches us to always surrender our will to God for he has a better plan for everyone.
⦁ Pope’s Intention for the month of March 2021: Sacrament of Reconciliation: Let us pray that we may experience the Sacrament of reconciliation with renewed depth, to taste the infinite mercy of God.
⦁ Bishop’s Intention for the month of March 2021: For Priests, Religious and Lay People: That Priests, Religious and Lay people may collaborate in service to the community without giving room to discouragement.
⦁ Lenten Reflection 2021: The Social Communications Commission of the Diocese has put in place Lenten reflections for the year 2021. During the season of Lent, we shall be opportune to listen to edifying, nourishing and deep spiritual reflection on each day during the season from the Bishop and Priests working in the Diocese. This reflections will be posted on the following Social media handles:
YouTube: Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode Nigeria
Facebook: “I-partner Ijebu-ode” and “The Partner Newspaper”
Kindly log in to any of these platforms and listen to the inspiring messages from the Priests working in the Diocese.
⦁ Year of St. Joseph (8th December 2020 – 8th December 2021): The Holy Father recently in his Apostolic Letter “Patris corde” proclaimed the “Year of Saint Joseph” which will hold from 8th December, 2020 to 8th December 2021. This is to mark the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church.
During this celebration of the Year of St. Joseph, we call the attention of the Faithful to opportunity of obtaining a Plenary Indulgence that the Church has made available during the course of the year. The plenary indulgence is available to all the faithful who recite any legitimate approved prayer of act of piety in honour of St. Joseph on the following days: Every Wednesday, the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the 19th Day of each month and in particular March 19 (the feast of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary) and May 1st (Feast of St. Joseph the worker). This indulgence is granted to faithful who fulfills the conditions of sacramental confession, Eucharistic Communion and Praying for the Pope’s intention.
⦁ Novena to St. Joseph: As a continuation of the call for monthly Novena for the intentions of our Diocese, healing of our world from Covid-19 pandemic, and as part of commemorating the year of St. Joseph, I invite you to take up the Novena to St. Joseph. This Novena will begin on March 10th – 18th, 2021. The Solemnity of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary comes up on March 19, 2021. May I enjoin all Parish Priests, Superiors and Chaplains to kindly ensure that this novena is carried out in all Parishes, schools, convents and formation houses across the Diocese.
⦁ Liturgical Directive: In accordance with the directive of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, “one” is to be removed before “God, forever and ever” in collects and other prayers. This directive comes into effect in Nigeria as from the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity Sunday, May 30, 2021.
⦁ Increase in Harvest Cathedraticum from 12% – 15%: In view of the increasing financial responsibilities of the Chancery as a result of the improved welfare package for both priests and lay personnel of the Diocese and other increase in our expenditure due to several other Diocesan obligations arising from our new approach to administration and pastoral activities, the Chancery has been left with no option than to seek for more revenue in other to remain responsible and be able to maintain all our existing structures well. As a result of this reality, we have found a need to increase cathedraticum on Harvest proceeds in all parishes from 12% to 15% with effect from 1st January 2021. By harvest proceeds, we mean all harvest related collections which include but not limited to family harvests, youth harvests, all societies harvest, stations harvest, parish harvest, general harvest and so on. All Parish Priests and Priests-in-charge should take note.
⦁ Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center, Iwopin: We appreciate all those who have contributed to the renovation of the Marian Pilgrimage Center with their kind donations. This is our project to rebuild, we therefore remind individuals, families, societies, parishes and stations to support this course of rebuilding Ave Maria Pilgrimage center with your kind donations. Remember, God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7). The account details is as follows:
Account Name: Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center, Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode
Account Number: 1022812598
Bank: United Bank for Africa (UBA)
⦁ Construction of a Diocesan Chancery Building: The building of our Diocesan Chancery has commenced and the foundation work has been completed. We thank God for the success of the foundation laying ceremonies which took place on February 19, 2021. We thank all those who made out time to attend the ceremonies. We call on all Parishes, Institutions, families and benefactors both within and outside the Diocese to financially support this project. To support this project of constructing a befitting Chancery for the Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode, kindly make your donation to the following Bank Account:
Account Name: Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode
Account Number: 0131027016
Bank: FCMB
⦁ Diaconate Ordination: The Diaconate Ordination of Mr. Obiagbalasi Henry Eberechukwu and Mr. Igwe James Smiles will come up on Sunday, March 21, 2021 at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Oru-Ijebu by 10:00am. Let us remember to pray for these young men that God will make them his worthy ministers.
⦁ Special Collections: Let us remember to collect these special collections for the month of March:
⦁ Youth Special Collection – March 28, 2021 (Palm Sunday)
⦁ Emergency Fund Collection – March 21, 2021. The Emergency Fund collection is managed by the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria to assist people in emergency situations in the country.
⦁ The Lenten special collection is to be taken every Sunday and during the Stations of the Cross during the Lenten Season.
Priests should kindly ensure that these collections are well publicized, collected and remitted to the Chancery for proper collation.
⦁ Presbyteral Council Meeting: The meeting of all Priests involved in Pastoral work in Ijebu-Ode Diocese will come up on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at St. Michael Catholic Church, Ilisan-Remo by 10:00am. All Priests are expected to be at this gathering.
⦁ Diocesan Pastoral Council Meeting: The first meeting of the DPC for the year 2021 will come up on Saturday, 27th March, 2021 at the Bishop Anthony Saliu Sanusi Hall of St. Sebastian Catholic Cathedral by 10:00am. All those concerned should kindly take note.
⦁ Chrism Mass 2021: This will be celebrated at St. Sebastian Catholic Cathedral, Ijebu-Ode on Wednesday 31st March, 2021. Further information pertaining those to attend will be given later in the month.
⦁ Priests’ Annual Retreat: All Priests working in the Diocese will be on their annual retreat for the year 2021 from March 1st – 6th, 2021 at Abbe-Louis Bautain Retreat and Conference Centre.
⦁ Annual Marian Pilgrimage 2021: This is to appreciate and thank all Parishes within the Diocese for the beautiful organization and planning of the Annual Marian Pilgrimage that was done on parish level this year. Thank you to all the Priests who were assigned to various parishes to facilitate the pilgrimages. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Light continually shine the light of Christ on our pathway. Amen.
⦁ NCWR Lenten Retreat: The Lenten Retreat of the Nigeria Conference of Women Religious, Ijebu-Ode Area will come up on Saturday, 6th March, 2021 at OLA Community, Ijebu-Ode by 10am. All members should take note.
⦁ Liturgical Commission: The following activities of the Liturgical Commission of the Diocese will take place this month:
⦁ Annual Retreat for all welcoming ministers at St. Louis Catholic Church, Ijebu-Ife on March 6, 2021
⦁ Seminar for Lay Leaders on Lenten and Easter talk and on Liturgical vestments at St. Timothy Catholic Church, Degun on March 13, 2021 at exactly 1o:00am.
⦁ Deanery meeting of Mass servers at the deanery centers across the Diocese on March 13, 2021 by 10:00am.
⦁ General meeting of Diocesan Liturgical Commission at St. Timothy Catholic Church, Degun on March 16, 2021. All members should take note.
⦁ Holy Childhood Association: The following activities of the HCA will take place this month:
⦁ Lenten Retreat for all members of Holy Childhood Association in all Parishes on March 6, 2021. This should be coordinated by the Animators in various parishes.
⦁ HCA Animation visit to St. Francis, Itele and St. Louis, Ijebu-Ife on March 27-28, 2021.
⦁ Family and Human Life Apostolate: The department of the Family and Human Life of the Diocese will be having the following events in the month of March 2021:
⦁ Level One training of Marriage Counsellors at St. Francis Catholic Church, Odo-Aye on March 20, 2021
⦁ The first bi-annual meeting of the Family and Human Life Consultors will come up on March 20, 2021 at St. Francis Catholic Church, Odo-Aye
⦁ Graduation and certification of Level Two Marriage Counsellors will come up on March 28, 2021 at Sr. Francis Catholic Church, Odo-Aye.
⦁ Department of Catechesis and Religious Education: All agents of Evangelization are to take note of the following activities of the Catechetical department taking place this month.
⦁ General meeting of all agents of Evangelization with the Director on March 6, 2021 by 11am at the Catechetical Center, Ilado.
⦁ Lenten Recollection for all agents of Evangelization on March 13, 2021 by 11am at the Catechetical Center, Ilado.
⦁ There shall be a seminar for all agents of Evangelization on Sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable persons on March 20, 2021 at St. Anthony Catholic Church, Ayegbami, Sagamu by 11am.
⦁ Priestly Ordination Anniversary: We congratulate, rejoice with and request your prayers for Most Rev. Albert Ayinde Fasina (March 8), Msgr. Victor Ajayi (March 8), Frs. Kennedy Ukachi, SMM (March 17), Francis Okposio, SMM (March 17), John Benedict Mary, FI (March 24), Gabriel Udogu, FI (March 25), Vincent Michael, FI (March 25), and John Aruleba (March 28) as they celebrate their Priestly Ordination Anniversary this month. May God grant them fulfillment and the grace of final perseverance. Amen.
⦁ Bereavement: We announce, with deep sympathy the demise of Mrs Fidelia Obiora, the mother of Sr. Caroline Obiora OSC, a member of the Poor Clare Monastery, Ikoto. May God grant her eternal rest and consolation to the family.
Thank you as I wish you a blessed and fruitful month of March.
Most Rev. Francis Obafemi ADESINA
Bishop of Ijebu-ode Diocese.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Grace and Peace of the Lord be with you.
1: The Month of February: I heartily welcome you to another month of the
year, the month of February 2021, a month rich in both liturgical and spiritual activities. We begin the liturgical activities with the Feast of the Presentation (February 2), where the Church calls us to re-dedicate ourselves to God, following the example of Mary and Joseph who took the Child Jesus to the temple for dedication.
In the later part of the month, we will begin the Season of Lent with the ASH WEDNESDAY (February 17). The ashes we receive on our foreheads reminds us of two things: that we are sinners in need of God’s mercy and it reminds us of the fact that we are dust and unto dust we shall return. Hence, the Season of Lent is meant to be a time for spiritual renewal and growth through the acts of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. It is a time to turn back to God and ask for mercy and forgiveness. During this season of Lent, the colour will change from Green to purple, to depict the penitential nature of the season.
2: Pope’s Intention for the month of February 2021: Violence against
Women: We pray for women who are victims of violence, that they may be protected by society and have their sufferings considered and heeded.
3: Bishop’s Intention for the month of February 2021: For Catechists, Lay
leaders and Evangelizers: That all lay teachers of faith in the Diocese may be renewed in their commitment to spread the gospel message of Christ and the Catholic doctrine.
4: Lenten Reflection 2021: The Social Communications Commission of the
Diocese has put in place Lenten reflections for the year 2021. During the season of Lent, we shall be opportune to listen to edifying, nourishing and deep spiritual reflection on each day during the season from the Bishop and Priests working in the Diocese. This reflections will be posted on the following Social media handles:
Kindly log in to any of these platforms and listen to the inspiring messages from the Priests working in the Diocese. I enjoin all Priests that will take part in this spiritual exercise to make themselves available on February 3rd and 4th, 2021 for the recording which will take place at the Justice, Development and Peace Commission, Ijebu- Ode, starting at exactly 9:00am on both days.
5: Cathedraticum Masses: The Cathedraticum Mass this year will take place the same day with the Chrism Mass. All Parishes are expected to monetize their support to the Bishop to aid his work of charity to the poor and needy.
6: Priests’ Annual Retreat: The Priests annual retreat for the year 2021 will come up from March 1st — 5th, 2021 at Abbe-Louis Bautain Retreat and Conference Centre. This is a statutory retreat which every Priest must partake in every year. As such, it is important for all Priests engaged in pastoral work in this diocese to be a part of this spiritual exercise. Priests are encouraged to see Fr. Matthew Oguleru or any member of the Pastoral Planning and Operations Committee and make necessary payments.
7: Annual Marian Pilgrimage 2021: Following the challenges posed by the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2021 Annual Diocesan Marian Pilgrimage to Iwopin will not hold. However, we shall as a Diocese observe our Marian devotion at parish level in place of the Pilgrimage with the following details:
THEME: The Theme for Our Devotion this year is “OUR LADY MOTHER OF LIGHT.” This theme will be used in all parishes for their devotion.
NATURE OF THE PROGRAMME: The programme will take the exact format of the annual pilgrimage but on parish basis.
PARISH GROUPING: Parishes in the Diocese will be grouped into three and will hold their own devotions at three different weekends. This is to allow for an effective distribution of priests for pastoral coverage at each parish event.
ANIMATION/COLLECTIONS: Parishes are to divert the effort and resources usually spent on transportation to Iwopin to animate and support local transport that will facilitate good attendance from all the stations under each parish. Note that, all Church collections taken at this Parish Marian devotion should be paid into the account of Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center, UBA, 1022812598. The collections will be used in renovating the Pilgrimage center for the Diocese. Thank you in anticipation.
COVID-19 PROTOCOLS: All Parish Priests are to ensure that all Covid-19 protocols for public gathering are strictly observed at the event. These include but not limited to; a) Wearing of face masks by all in attendance. b) Washing of hands before admittance into the venue of the programme, c) Use of sanitizers as already directed and especially before receiving communion in the hand, d) Ensuring safe social distancing in the seating arrangement of the venue.
REPORTS: Parish Priests are to submit a detailed report of the event to the office of the Vicar for Pastoral Affairs within one week of holding the event.
8: Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes: As a continuation of the call for monthly
Novena for the intentions of our Diocese and healing of our world from Covid-19 pandemic, I invite you to take up the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes which will begin on February 2nd — 10th, 2021. The feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes is on February 11th, 2021. May I enjoin all Parish Priests, Superiors and Chaplains to kindly ensure that this novena is carried out in all Parishes, schools, convents and formation houses across the diocese.
9: Day of Consecrated Persons: The Feast day of Consecrated Life is
celebrated worldwide on February 2nd every year. A diocesan celebration will take place as follows:
The Bishop will preside at the Mass. Other events follow after the Mass. All Priests and Laity in the Diocese are invited to join the Consecrated Men and Women working in the Diocese in this special celebration.
10: Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center, Iwopin: We appreciate all those who have contributed to the renovation of the Marian Pilgrimage Center with their kind donations. As we prepare for another Pilgrimage this year, we remind individuals, families, societies, parishes and stations to support this course of rebuilding Ave Maria Pilgrimage center with your kind donations. Remember, God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7). The account details is as follows:
11: Construction of a Diocesan Chancery Building: The building of our Diocesan Chancery has commenced and the foundation work is on-going. As such, I am calling on all Parishes, Institutions, families and benefactors both within and outside the Diocese to financially support this project. To support this project of constructing a befitting Chancery for the Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode, kindly make your donation to the following Bank Account:
In the same vein we thank and appreciate Sr. Theresa Ajayi, SSMA for her commitment while working at St. Felix Nursery and Primary School. She is on transfer to another community and we wish her the best in her new assignment.
Thank you as I wish you a blessed and fruitful month of February.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Grace and Peace of the Lord be with you.
1: The Month of December: Welcome to the last month of the year. We thank God for preserving our lives to witness the last month of the year 2020 despite all the troubles of the year. The month of December is a month of expectation, joy and celebration. It is a time we celebrate two seasons in the Church’ liturgical year: the season of Advent and the season of Christmas.
Season of Advent: The English word “Advent” is from the Latin word `Adventus’, which means coming. It is a season that spans for four (4) weeks, i.e. from 1st Sunday of Advent till 24th December. During the season of advent, we are reminded of the three coming of Christ (his first coming which took place many years ago, the coming of Christ in glory at the end of time, and the coming of Christ today in the Sacraments and life of the Church). Thus, this season opens us up to stock-taking, self-evaluation and thanksgiving to God. Therefore, we need to embrace this season with hope and expectation, with longing and waiting, and with conversion and penance in preparation for the season of Christmas. The Season of Advent begins a new Liturgical year in the Church. Sunday readings from the first Sunday of Advent will now be from Cycle B of the Lectionary. The Liturgical colour for this season is Purple, which tells us more about the penitent nature of the season.
Season of Christmas: At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Christ, the Word made flesh. The Christmas season begins on the 24th of December with the Christmas Eve Mass and ends on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. The season of Christmas comes with great joy. It is a season that expresses God’s love for his people. While we are busy with travelling and making other material preparations for Christmas, we must not lose sight of the spiritual significance of the season- the opportunity to encounter Jesus and draw closer to him.
2: Novena to the Infant Jesus: As a continuation of the call for monthly Novena for the sake of our Diocese I invite you all to take up, for this month of December, the novena to the Infant Jesus. This 9-day novena will start on December 15 — December 23, 2020. This is expected to take place in all Catholic families, parishes, houses of formation and institutions across the Diocese simultaneously.
3: Pope’s Intention for the month of December: For a Life of Prayer: We pray that our personal relationship with Jesus Christ be nourished by the Word of God and a life of prayer.
4: Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center, Iwopin: Since the circular of April, there has been a constant request to support the renovation of the Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center. We appreciate all those who have contributed generously to this appeal with their kind donations. We remind individuals, families, societies, parishes and stations to support this course of rebuilding our Pilgrimage center with your kind donations. Remember, God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7). The account details is as follows:
5: Construction of a Diocesan Chancery Building: For the past 51 years of the Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode, the Diocese has been making use of the Bishop House and now some offices in the JDPC Complex as chancery for the day-to-day running of the Diocese. It has become necessary and expedient at this stage to build a Chancery where the daily administrative activities of the Diocese will be carried out. As such, I am calling on all Parishes, Institutions, families and benefactors both within and outside the Diocese to financially support this project. The preliminary works has already begun on the proposed site. To support this project of constructing a befitting Chancery for the Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode, kindly make your donation to the following Bank Account:
6: Pastoral Letter 2020: My first pastoral letter to all Priests, Religious and Laity of the Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode will be made available in all Parishes as from the third Sunday of Advent. The title of this first pastoral letter is “The Word of God: A Light in our path beyond the Golden Jubilee year celebrations.” I chose to reflect on this theme based on the just concluded year of the Word of God, which ended in September 2020. In this letter, I proposed ways in which the bible can be more engaged in the families and churches. The letter also introduces us to the Pastoral plan of the diocese titled, “Moving forward in faith and action” (cf. Ex. 14,15; Phil. 3, 12-14) which will be published next year. It is my sincere desire that every family, parish and institution will have access to this Pastoral letter, digest its contents and apply it. It is written both in English and in Yoruba. I enjoin all Priests to pick up copies at the Chancery for their Parishioners.
7: Annual Statistics 2020: This is to remind all Parish Priests, Principals, Head teachers, Superiors of various Religious Houses, Administrators and Managers of Hospitals and those in-charge of various orphanages in the Diocese to kindly submit the statistics for the year 2020. The submission of this statistics will be done online. The portal will be opened on December 15, 2020 and will be closed on January 15, 2021. Further directives on how this will be done will be communicated to us through Rev. Fr. Augustine Adetola, the Secretary to the Bishop.
Event: Memorial Mass in honour of Late Bishop Anthony Saliu Sanusi
Venue: St. Sebastian Catholic Cathedral, Odo-Egbo, Ijebu-Ode
Time: 5:00pm. Vestment/ Colour for the Mass: Purple
Event: Memorial Lecture
Venue: Bishop Anthony Saliu Sanusi Hall, St. Sebastian Catholic Cathedral, Ijebu-Ode 1St Talk: The Life, Episcopacy and Contributions of Bishop Anthony Saliu Sanusi to Catholicism in Ijebu-land.
Speaker: Most Rev. Michael Fagun, Bishop Emeritus of Ekiti Diocese.
2nd Talk: Lessons from Bishop Anthony Saliu Sanusi for the Present and Future of Ijebu-Ode Catholic Diocese.
Speaker: Mr. Oyewole Theophilus Olaoye
Time: 10:00am
Other events lined up for this Memorial Day include: Enthronement of the Bible; Documentary on the life and times of Bishop Anthony Saliu Sanusi; 3D slides presentation of the grave site and many more.
Thank you as I wish you a blessed and fruitful month of December. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year in advance.
1: The Month of November: Welcome to the penultimate month of the year. The Church commemorates during this month, the Solemnity of All Saints (Nov. 1) and All Souls (Nov. 2). These two days are reminders that holiness of life must be desired by all and that we must always pray for our brothers and sisters in purgatory. These two important days give profound expression to our faith and believe in the Communion of Saints. In these commemorations, we find a strong connection between the Church Triumphant (the faithful who have attained the joys of heaven); the Church Suffering (the faithful who are still undergoing purification for the expiation of their sins in Purgatory) and the Church Militant (the faithful who are still on the earthly pilgrimage).
All Saints’ Day: The Solemnity of All Saints’ Day is a Holy Day of Obligation set aside to celebrate all the Saints throughout Christian history, both known and unknown, canonized or beatified. On this day, it is compulsory that Masses are celebrated in all Parishes. May the Saints continue to intercede for us always. Amen.
All Souls’ Day: The commemoration of All Souls reminds us of human mortality. Let us avail ourselves of the graces attached to this celebration by gaining for ourselves Plenary Indulgence through the sacrifice of the Holy Mass, visiting a Church or cemetery and giving alms to the poor. It is compulsory for all Priests to celebrate 3 Masses on this day: one for the faithful departed, one for the Priest’s intention and one for the intention of the Holy Father.
Solemnity of Christ the King: The celebration of Christ the King comes up on Sunday, November 22, 2020. The celebration also marks the beginning of the last week of the 2019/2020 Liturgical Year. On this day, Eucharistic Processions are held throughout Nigeria. However, due to the safety measures put in place to guard against the spread of COV1D-19, I enjoin all Parish Priests to kindly have a simple public procession. Prayers are to be offered for the country and the world in general.
Novena to Christ the King: As a continuation of the call for monthly Novena for the sake of our Diocese and as part of the preparations to celebrate the feast of Christ the King, the Patron of our Diocese, I invite you all to take up, for this month of November, the nine days Novena to Christ the King, Patron of our Diocese. This Novena will commence simultaneously in all Parishes, Houses of formation, Chapels, Convents and Institutions on the 13th November and will conclude on the 21st November, a day preceding the celebration of Christ the King.
Please, all Parish Priests, Superiors and Principals should ensure that this Novena is carried out in their respective Parishes, Houses of Formation, Convents and Institutions. May Christ the King, Patron of our Diocese hear our prayers. Amen.
2: Pope’s Intention for the month of November 2020: For Artificial Intelligence: We pray that the progress of robotics and artificial intelligence may always serve humankind.
3: Full Re-opening of Churches: In line with the release of the State Government ordering the full re-opening of worship centers in the State, may I enjoin all Parish Priests and Priest-in-charge to kindly ensure that Parishioners observe all safety measures already in place. While the sitting arrangement can be re-worked according to the parish or Church setting, the use of hand sanitizer, face mask and washing of hands should continue. The country has not been declared free from Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, I expect that Priests and the various Parish Pastoral Council will come up with ways that will ensure safety of all those who come into our Church premises.
4: Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center, Iwopin: Since the circular of April, there has been a constant request to support the renovation of the Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center. We appreciate all those who have contributed generously to this appeal with their kind donations. We remind individuals, families, societies, parishes and stations to support this course of rebuilding our Pilgrimage center with your kind donations. Remember, God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7). The account details is as follows:
5: Construction of a Diocesan Chancery Building: For the past 51 years of the Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode, the Diocese has been making use of the Bishop House and now some offices in the JDPC Complex as chancery for the day-to-day running of the Diocese. It has become necessary and expedient at this stage to build a Chancery where the daily administrative activities of the Diocese will be carried out. As such, I am calling on all Parishes, Institutions, families and benefactors both within and outside the Diocese to financially support this project. The preliminary works has already begun on the proposed site. To support this project of constructing a befitting Chancery for the Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode, kindly make your donation to the following Bank Account:
Thank you as I wish you a blessed and fruitful month of November. May God heal our land.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
1: The Month of October: Welcome to the month of October, the tenth month of the year. The month begins with the celebration of the 60th year anniversary of Nigeria as an independent nation. We thank God for the journey of 60 years as an independent nation. As God’s children and people of hope, we shall continue to pray for a better Nigeria that the next generation will be proud of.
As a Church in Nigeria, October 1st is another opportunity to entrust our country to the Maternal care of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Queen and Patroness of our Country to intercede for us always. The month of October is dedicated to the daily recitation of the Rosary. I implore us all to be faithful and committed to this in our various families, Parishes, Institutions and Rectories. The rosary is a powerful tool to overcome the vices of the wicked ones. During the month of October, we celebrate the feast of Our Guardian Angels (Oct. 2) and Our Lady of the Rosary (Oct. 7) and lives of some saints like: St. Therese of the Child Jesus (Oct. 3); St. Theresa of Avila (Oct. 15); St. Ignatius of Antioch (Oct. 17) and Saints Simon and Jude (Oct. 28). May their intercession over us remain assured always. Amen.
2: Pope’s Intention for the month of October 2020: The Laity’s Mission in the Church: ‘The Pope invites us to pray that by the virtue of baptism, the laity — men and women, may participate more in areas of responsibility in the Church.
3: Novena for the month of October: In continuation of the request for a monthly Novena for the intention of our Diocese and indeed the whole world as we battle the pandemics of COVID-19, I invite you to take up the novena to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots for the month of October. The novena will commence on October 5 – October 13, 2020 in all Churches, Convents, Houses of Formation, Institutions and families.
4: Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center, Iwopin: Since the circular of April, there has been a constant request to support the renovation of the Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center with our kind donations. This is to remind individuals, families, societies, parishes and stations to support this course of rebuilding our Pilgrimage center with your kind donations. Remember, God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7). The account details is as follows:
5: Construction of a Diocesan Chancery Building: For the past 51 years of the Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode, the Diocese has been making use of the Bishop House and now some offices in the JDPC Complex as chancery for the day-to-day running of the Diocese. It has become necessary and expedient at this stage to build a Chancery where the daily administrative activities of the Diocese will be carried out. As such, I am calling on all Parishes, Institutions, families and benefactors both within and outside the Diocese to financially support this project. The preliminary works has already begun on the proposed site. To support this project of constructing a befitting Chancery for the Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode, kindly make your donation to the following Bank Account:
6: Update of Diocesan Directory for 2021: A new directory for the Diocese will be produced before the end of the year. All Parish Priests and Chaplains are to check the 2017 edition and the website to see if there are any addition that needs to be made in the new one. Kindly forward your updates or observation to Fr. Augustine Adetola or any member of the Social Communication Commission.
Thank you as I wish you a blessed and fruitful month of October. May God heal our land.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
1: The Month of September: Welcome to the ninth month of the year. With the month of September, we come to the end of the 3rd quarter of the year. As the year 2020 gradually comes to an end, let us make out time to examine our lives and journey as Christians. It is a time to take stock on the journey thus far. The Liturgical life of the Church offers us the opportunity of celebrating the following feasts during this month: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Sept. 8); Exaltation of the Cross (Sept. 14); St. Matthew, Apostle (Sept. 21) and the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael (Sept. 28). As we celebrate these feasts and memorials this month, we reflect on the lives of the saints and draw lessons from them.
2: Pope’s Intention for the month of September 2020: Respect for the Planet’s Resources: We pray this month that the planet’s resources will not be plundered, but shared in a just and respectful manner. Amen.
3: Update on Resumption of Public Masses in the Diocese: Since we have resumed Congregational Mass on Sundays, may I enjoin you all not to get carried away thinking that the dangerous virus- COVID-19 is no longer in existence. Kindly continue to observe all necessary precautions and safety as it pertains to COVID19 pandemic. The guidelines issued last month are meant to be observed and followed faithfully. Priests are enjoined that the parishes are safe for everyone who comes in for prayers or any liturgical activity.
4: Novena for the month of September: in continuation of the request for a monthly Novena for the intention of our Diocese and indeed the whole world as we battle the pandemics of COVID-19, I invite. you to take up the novena to Saint Michael the Archangel for the month of September. The novena will commence on September 20 — September 28, 2020 in ali Churches, Convents, Houses of Formation, Institutions and families.
5: Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center, Iwopin: During our annual Marian Pilgrimage in February 2020, I made a passionate appeal to all the pilgrims and indeed, to all of us to contribute generously to the renovation of the Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center. As a follow-up to this request, I am pleased to announce to you that a special Bank account dedicated to the Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center is now in operation. I invite you as individuals, families, societies/groups, parishes and stations to support this course of rebuilding our Pilgrimage center with your kind donations. Remember, God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7). The account details is as follows:
6: Social Communications Commission invites us to follow the Diocese and her activities, on any of the following social media:
7: Update of Diocesan Directory for 2021: A new directory for the Diocese will be produced before the end of the year. All Parish Priests and Chaplains are to check the 2017 edition and the website to see if there are any addition that needs to be made in the new one. Kindly forward your updates or observation to Fr. Augustine Adetola or any member of the Social Communication Commission.
The meeting will begin at exactly 10:00am with the celebration of the Holy Mass at the various schools.
We welcome to the diocese the following Religious: Sr. Patricia Opara, EHJ; Sr. AgnesMary Oguntoyinbo, EHJ; Sr. Anna Maria Ajibola, EHJ; Sr. Juliana Egbeleke, SSL; Sr. Isabel Mann, SSL and Sr. Angela Ogu, SSL. We wish them a happy and fruitful stay in the Diocese. Amen.
Thank you as I wish you a blessed and fruitful month of September. May God heal our land.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
1: The Month of August: Welcome to August, the eight month of the year. This month is usually noted for pilgrimages and vacations. However, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many of these may not be possible, and if it is, we must always ensure to keep safe at all times and never lose sight of our spiritual growth.
In this month, the Church offers us with Solemnities, feasts and memorials of our Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary and some of the saints to assist us in our spiritual growth. Notable among these celebrations are the feast of the Transfiguration (6th August) which gives us a foretaste of the beatific vision and the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (15th August), which reminds us of the fact that our true dwelling place is in heaven. Other notable Saints whose feasts and memorials are celebrated this month include: St. Alphonsus Liguori (1st August); St. John Mary Vianney (4th (August); St. Dominic (8th August); St. Lawrence (10th August); St. Clare (11th August); St. Maximillian Kolbe (14th August); St. Bernard (20th August); Queenship of Mary (22nd August); St. Bartholomew (24th August); St. Monica (27th August); St. Augustine (28th August) and Beheading of St. John the Baptist (29th August). In the celebration of the feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints, we are reminded that our heavenly reward is sure for those who persevere to the end. May the Lord grant us that Spirit of perseverance till the end. Amen.
2: Pope’s Intention for the month of August 2020: The Maritime World: We pray for all those who work and live from the sea, among them are sailors, fishermen and their families. In the same vein, we remember those in the riverine areas of our Diocese and those in the region of Niger Delta, that they may treasure the gift of God that water, is, and with the help of Government, avoid continuous pollution of our water ways.
3: Update on Resumption of Public Masses in the Diocese: Last month I encouraged you to keep praying that our Churches might be re-opened for Sunday worship. We thank God that the State Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun has finally listened to the aspiration of Christians and Muslims and has decided to re-open places of worship in the state as from the weekend of Friday, August 14, 2020. He made this statement in his address on July 29, 2020. State guidelines have been provided to guide us in the full re-opening of Churches and I expect every Priest, Religious and Laity in this Diocese to comply with the directives. As our Churches re-open for Sunday Mass, serious caution must be observed due to COVID-19 pandemic. We must always remember that we have the duty to keep ourselves and those around us safe. A circular will be released on the 5th of August, 2020 which will contain Diocesan guidelines for the re-opening of Churches.
4: Novena for the month of August: In continuation of the request for a monthly Novena for the intention of our Diocese and indeed the whole world as we battle the pandemic of COVID-19, and also in preparation for the celebration of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, may I invite you to take up the Novena in honour of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This Novena will begin simultaneously on Thursday, 6th August to Friday, 14th August, 2020 in all families, Rectories, Houses of formation and Convents.
5: Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: This Solemnity will come up on 15th August, 2020. It is a Holy Day of obligation. Catholics are obliged to attend Mass on this day. Being the first day of a congregational Mass, after five months of lockdown, I request that Pastors offer special prayers on this day for the world, our country Nigeria and the Diocese, imploring the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary to deliver us from the misery of COVID-19 pandemic. The prayers composed by Pope Francis to Mary during the month of May should be said in all parishes during the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass.
6: Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center, Iwopin: During our annual Marian Pilgrimage in February 2020, I made a passionate appeal to all the pilgrims and indeed, to all of us to contribute generously to the renovation of the Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center. As a follow-up to this request, I am pleased to announce to you that a special Bank account dedicated to the Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center is now in operation. I invite you as individuals, families, societies/groups, parishes and stations to support this course of rebuilding our Pilgrimage center with your kind donations. Remember, God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7). The account details is as follows:
7: Social Communications Commission invites us to follow the Diocese and her activities, on any of the following social media:
8: Update of Diocesan Directory for 2021: A new directory for the Diocese will be produced before the end of the year. All Parish Priests and Chaplains are to check the 2016 edition and the website to see if there are any addition that needs to be made in the new one. Kindly forward your updates or observation to Fr. Augustine Adetola or any member of the Social Communication Commission.
9: Appreciation: I want to thank and appreciate all Priests. Religious and Laity of this Diocese for your condolence messages, prayers and active participation during and after the burial of Late Msgr. Valentine Awoyemi. The death came as a shock to us all but we have to accept it like people of faith who believe in the Resurrection. May the soul of our beloved Msgr. Valentine Olanipekun Awoyemi continue to rest in God’s peace. Amen.
10: Resumption of Schools: In line with the directives of the Federal and state Governments instructing that all schools in the country be re-opened for J.S.S. 3 and S.S.S. 3 Students as from 4th August, 2020, all our Catholic Schools in the Diocese will be opened for the afore mentioned students. Our Catholic Schools have been preparing for re-opening for months. All Principals and staff are to ensure that necessary safety measures are kept and that our students are safe in the school compound.
They have been working actively in the Diocese for some years and their congregations have decided to send them on another mission. We wish them well in their new apostolate.
Let us be aware that not more than 20 persons will be allowed into the venue of the funeral mass. May God grant her eternal rest and consolation to the family. Amen.
Thank you as I wish you a blessed and fruitful month of August. May God heal our land.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
1: The Month of July: Welcome to the month of July, which begins the second half of the year 2020. Despite the on-going pandemic COVID-19, the year is moving so fast. We can’t but continue to thank God for the many graces he bestows on us, especially the grace of being alive. Thus, I welcome you all to another month of grace. In this month, the Liturgy of the Church calls to journey with the Lord as we continue the Ordinary Time of the year. It is a time we re-live and reflect on the earthly life of Jesus.
2: Pope’s Intention for the month of July 2020: Our Families: We pray today’s families may be accompanied with love, respect and guidance. We remember in our prayers, this month, families in our Diocese going through daily challenges, that God will strengthen them in their marital love.
3: Update on Resumption of Public Masses in the Diocese: In my June 2020 circular I gave the permission to resume weekday Mass in all Parishes in the Diocese. However, we are still unable to resume public Mass on Sundays due to the lockdown still in place in the state on Saturdays and Sundays and the refusal of the State Government to open places of worship for congregating. Ivly heart goes out to many of our Laity who have not been able to physically partake of Sunday Masses for a long time, I know this is hard and tough for you. It is my hope that Priests in various Parishes are able to meet your Spiritual and pastoral needs during this time. Negotiations on resumption of Sunday gathering are still on with the State Government through the Christian Association of Nigeria, Ogun State chapter. We know that in no distant time, we shall be allowed to congregate in our various Parishes. Let us continue to intensify our prayers for the world and our country, that God will bring an end to this pandemic. Be strong in faith and do not be discouraged.
4: Novena for the month of July: In continuation of the request for a monthly Novena for the intention of our Diocese and indeed the whole world as we battle the pandemics of COVID-19, may I invite you to take up the Novena to the precious Blood of Jesus which will begin simultaneously on Monday 20th July to 28th July 2020 in all families, Rectories, Houses of formation and Convents.
5: Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center, Iwopin: During our annual Marian Pilgrimage in February 2020, I made a passionate appeal to all the pilgrims and indeed, to all of us to contribute generously to the renovation of the Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center. As a follow-up to this request, I am pleased to announce to you that a special Bank account dedicated to the Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center is now in operation. I invite you to support this course of rebuilding our Pilgrimage center with your kind donations. Remember, nothing is too small or too big for God, for God loves a cheerful giver (2 Car. 9:7). The account detail is as follows:
6: Social Communications Commission: We thank the Social Communication Commission of the Diocese for facilitating and showcasing the various activities and publications in the Diocese on Social Media. To follow the Diocese and her activities, log on to any of the following:
7: Posting of Seminarians: Our Seminarians have been at home for some months now due to the closure of Schools across the country and we still do not know when they will resume back. In order to monitor their growth and readiness for the Priestly work ahead, I have asked the Vocations Director, Rev. Fr. Michael Ogunyinka to post the Theologians among them to Parishes for Apostolic Experience. I enjoin on all Priests that will receive these Seminarians to kindly see them as brothers and help them discover the mystery of the Priestly vocation as they train for the Celibate Catholic Priesthood.
Thank you as Iwish you a blessed and fruitful month of July. May God heal our land.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
1: The Month of June: Welcome to the month of June. We begin this month with the Ordinary time of the year in the Liturgical Calendar of the Church. This season of the Church takes us through the life of Christ. This is the time of conversion, a time to live the life of Christ. Ordinary Time is a time for growth and maturation, a time in which the mystery of Christ is called to penetrate ever more deeply into history until all things are finally caught up in Christ.
During this month, we shall be celebrating the following Solemnities: Solemnity of the Most Blessed Trinity (June 7); Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (June 14); Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (June 19) and the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul (June 29). May our faith be strengthened and nourished through these celebrations. Amen.
2: Pope’s Intention for the month of June 2020: The way of the Heart: We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus. Therefore, we are expected to remember in our prayers especially in the celebration of Liturgy, the suffering in our society, community and in the world.
3: Lifting of the Suspension of Public Masses with Congregation in all Parishes and Institutions in Ijebu-Ode Diocese: You would recall that in a special circular titled, “further instructions on liturgical celebrations in light of COVID-19” issued on March 28, 2020, I suspended all public Masses in the Diocese due to the Lockdown rules in the state. However, after listening to the address of the Governor of Ogun State on May 28, 2020, who in his address allows a Religious gathering of not more than 20 persons on weekdays and with the gradual ease of lockdown in the state, I hereby lift the ban on weekday celebration of the Holy Mass only in Parishes and Institutions. This means that as from June 1st, 2020, weekday Masses from Mondays to Fridays are allowed in all Parishes within the Diocese. However, the following conditions must be fulfilled in order to have the Masses.
4: Novena for the month of June: In continuation of the request for a monthly Novena for the intention of our Diocese and indeed the whole world as we battle the pandemics of COVID-19, may I invite you to take up the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the month of June. The Novena will commence on June 10 —June 18, 2020. I encourage you to participate in this novena, trusting that the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus will come to our aid.
5: Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center, Iwopin: During our annual Marian Pilgrimage in February 2020, I made a passionate appeal to all the pilgrims and indeed, to all of us to contribute generously to the renovation of the Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center. As a follow-up to this request, I am pleased to announce to you that a special Bank account dedicated to the Ave Maria Pilgrimage Center is now in operation. I invite you to support this course of rebuilding our Pilgrimage center with your kind donations. Remember, nothing is too small or too big for God, for God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7). The account detail is as follows:
6: Social Communications Commission: We thank the Social Communication Commission of the Diocese for facilitating and showcasing the various activities and publications in the Diocese on Social Media. To follow the Diocese and her activities, log on to any of the following:
7: Policy on Safeguarding of Minors and Vulnerable Persons: As a follow-up to the seminar held on Safeguarding of Minors and Vulnerable Persons in December 2019, I hereby inform you that a Diocesan Policy on Safeguarding of Minors and Vulnerable Persons has been published and in accordance with the directive of the Holy Father, a safeguarding committee has been established to protect minors and vulnerable persons in the Diocese. This policy takes effect on the 22nd day of June, 2020. It is expected that before then, all those concerned will get a copy of the Policy.
Thank you as I wish you a blessed and fruitful month of June. May God heal our land.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
1: The Month of May: Welcome to the 5th month of the year. May is a time of spring, a time when the flowers bloom and the sun is warm. We begin this month with the celebration of workers Day. May St. Joseph the worker intercede for all workers and grant success to the works of their hands. Amen. In this month of May, the Church continues the Easter season and ends it with the celebration of Pentecost on the last day of the month. We are called to remain steadfast in hope and be witnesses of Christ’ Resurrection in our world. Though the times may be hard and many live in fear and anxiety over what the future holds for them due to COVID-19 pandemic, Christians must be living examples of hope to a world filled with fear and anxiety.
2: Pope’s Intention for the month of May 2020: Praying for Deacons — Permanent and transitory: That deacons may be faithful in their service to the Word and the Poor, and he an invigorating symbol for the entire Church
3: Month of May: A time to pray the Rosary: In the Catholic Tradition, the month of May is a month dedicated to the daily recitation of the Rosary. The Holy Father in his letter to the Faithful for the month of May published on 25 April 2020, encouraged everyone to rediscover the beauty of praying the Rosary at home in the month of May. While it is still difficult to gather in the Church to pray the Rosary together due to COVID-19 pandemic, we must make out time as individuals and as families to pray the Rosary. The Holy Father tells us that “contemplating the face of Christ with the heart of Mary our Mother will make us even more united as a spiritual family and will help us overcome this time of trial.” The Holy Father has provided us with two prayers to Our Lady which is to be recited at the end of the Rosary. We shall provide a Yoruba translation of this prayers on the Diocesan platform which will be shared later.
O Mary, You shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who, at the foot of the cross, were united with Jesus’ suffering, and persevered in your faith.
“Protectress of the Roman people”, you know our needs, and we know that you will provide, so that, as at Cana in Galilee, joy and celebration may return after this time of trial.
Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the will of the Father and to do what Jesus tells us. For he took upon himself our suffering, and burdened himself with our sorrows to bring us, through the cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen.
We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God; Do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from every danger, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.
“We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God”.
In the present tragic situation, when the whole world is prey to suffering and anxiety, we fly to you, Mother of God and our Mother, and seek refuge under your protection.
Virgin Mary, turn your merciful eyes towards us amid this coronavirus pandemic. Comfort those who are distraught and mourn their loved ones who have died, and at times are buried in a way that grieves them deeply. Be close to those who are concerned for their loved ones who are sick and who, in order to prevent the spread of the disease, cannot be close to them. Fill with hope those who are troubled by the uncertainty of the future and the consequences for the economy and employment.
Mother of God and our Mother, pray for us to God, the Father of mercies, that this great suffering may end and that hope and peace may dawn anew. Plead with your divine Son, as you did at Cana, so that the families of the sick and the victims be comforted, and their hearts be opened to confidence and trust.
Protect those doctors, nurses, health workers and volunteers who are on the frontline of this emergency, and are risking their lives to save others. Support their heroic effort and grant them strength, generosity and continued health.
Be close to those who assist the sick night and day, and to priests who, in their pastoral concern and fidelity to the Gospel, are trying to help and support everyone. Blessed Virgin, illumine the minds of men and women engaged in scientific research, that they may find effective solutions to overcome this virus.
Support national leaders, that with wisdom, solicitude and generosity they may come to the aid of those lacking the basic necessities of life and may devise social and economic solutions inspired by farsightedness and solidarity.
Mary Most Holy, stir our consciences, so that the enormous funds invested in developing and stockpiling arms will instead be spent on promoting effective research on how to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.
Beloved Mother, help us realize that we are all members of one great family and to recognize the bond that unites us, so that, in a spirit of fraternity and solidarity, we can help to alleviate countless situations of poverty and need. Make us strong in faith, persevering in service, constant in prayer.
Mary, Consolation of the afflicted, embrace all your children in distress and pray that God will stretch out his all-powerful hand and free us from this terrible pandemic, so that life can serenely resume its normal course.
To you, who shine on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope, do we entrust ourselves, O Clement, O Loving, O Sweet Virgin Mary. Amen.
4: Good Shepherd Sunday: The 4th Sunday of Easter is known and called the Vocation Sunday. On a day like this, Ministers are expected to preach on the Sacraments of Vocation, that is, the Sacrament of Holy Orders and Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. In these Sacraments of Vocation, the recipients have a special call, a call to serve the other person. A call to be ministers of God’s love and mercy. In the Holy Matrimony, the couple are expected to be committed to the service of love. The love between the spouses is expected to be mutual and self-giving. The same is true for the Priest. He is expected to offer his life in total service for God’s people. As we celebrate the Vocation Sunday this year, I enjoin all parents to support the young ones to embrace faithfully the Sacraments of Vocation. For those who decide to serve God by becoming Priests or Religious, let us not hold them back but support them. We must remember that every Priest is taken from a family (cf. Heb. 5:1).
5: Family and Human Life Department: The Apostolate of Family and Human Life, Ijebu-Ode Diocese has come up with a mobile friendly programme titled, “Family prayers and Devotions.” This programme is meant to serve as guide for daily morning and evening prayers in the family during COVID-19 pandemic. The mobile friendly family prayers and devotions is being shared on all WhatsApp platforms. You can request your Priest to send you a copy.
6: Novena to the Holy Spirit: As we prepare for Solemnity of Pentecost, we are reminded of the nine days Novena to the Holy Spirit which will start on Friday after Ascension Thursday and will end on Saturday before Pentecost Sunday (22 May — 30 May, 2020). The Novena to the Holy Spirit is expected to take place in every Catholic family, Rectory, House of Formation and Convent across the Diocese simultaneously. Kindly participate in the Novena by praying from your places of residence and remember to pray for the intentions of the Diocese and for deliverance from Corona virus. May the Lord heal our land. Amen.
7: Lenten and Easter Reflection 2020: We thank the Social Communications Commission of the Diocese for putting in place Lenten and Easter reflections for the year 2020. Special thanks to the Priests who participated in reflections. We also thank all those who made out time to listen to those special messages from our Priests. May the words of Christ sow seeds of eternal life. Amen. Endeavor to check the social media handle for exciting posts about the faith and special messages from the Bishop.
Kindly log in to any of these platforms to read and know more about the Diocese.
8: Pastoral Responsibility to the Faithful: I commend Priests, Parishes and institutions that have found ways of ministering to the Faithful during this crisis, by paying attention to their spiritual needs through the Sacraments of healing (Anointing of the Sick and Penance) and providing some material needs to the Poor. May I remind Parish Priests that our Churches are to remain open during the day for private prayers and devotions. Priests are requested to be available to minister to the spiritual needs of the faithful while taking appropriate cautions and maintaining social distance.
Thank you as I wish you a blessed and fruitful month of May. May God heal our land.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:
Welcome to the month of April. At the beginning of this fourth month of the year, I have the privilege to address you once again to remain strong and hopeful in the face of the global health pandemic/ COVID-19 which has virtually paralyzed every aspect of public life and economy. I know how strange and difficult for us not to be able to go to Church, work or school. Travelling, visiting families and friends have become almost impossible due to social distancing regulation.
Fear and anxiety are not the best approach to the situation we are facing. We must keep hope alive and trust that God will heal us and our land. Let us call to mind the Word of God in Isaiah 41:10, “do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” These words should console us that God is interested in our situation. Let’s remain strong and courageous during this crisis. I invite you to intensify your prayer life and not give in to fear.
In addition, I encourage you dear people of God to respect the injunctions of the government and medical practitioners concerned with the control of this pandemic. Wash your hands regularly, cover your mouth and nose if you must go out, maintain social distance and most importantly, stay at home and do not spread the virus. It is tough but with our cooperation, we shall be free of this virus in no distant time. May this month of April be a blessed and fruitful one for each and every one of us. Amen.
1: The Season of Easter: This month we conclude the season of Lent and begin the celebration of the special season of Easter. At Easter we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. We celebrate the victory over sin and death. The Easter celebration this year will be celebrated in a different way, which reminds us of the first Easter which was celebrated in the midst of fear among the Apostles and followers of Jesus. This special season lasts for 50 days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday. May the joy of Easter bring us glad tidings and God’s blessings.
2: Pope’s Intention for the month of April 2020: Freedom from Addiction: We pray that those suffering from addiction may be helped and accompanied. Added to this intention, we are called to pray for those currently being treated for COVID-19.
3: Lenten Reflection 2020: We thank the Social Communications Commission of the Diocese for putting in place Lenten reflections for the year 2020. These reflections can be followed on the following Social media handles:
Kindly log in to any of these platforms and listen to the inspiring messages from the Priests working in the Diocese. Also, tune in to Lumen Christi Television on DSTV Channel 350 every day during Lent at 7:15pm to listen to the reflections.
4: Divine Mercy Novena: As a continuation of the call for monthly Novena for the sake of our Diocese, and for healing and deliverance of our world from Corona Virus pandemic, I invite you all to take up, for this month of April, the Divine Mercy Novena. This 9 days novena will start on Good Friday, April 10 to Saturday before Divine Mercy Sunday, April 18, 2020. This is expected to take place in all Catholic families, Rectories, Houses of Formation and Convents across the Diocese simultaneously. Kindly join this prayers from your homes.
5: Holy Week Ceremonies: In a special circular issued on March 27, 2020, I addressed some issues as it pertains to changes in liturgical celebrations due to COVID-19 pandemic. I explained the modalities for the celebration of the Holy Week in the Diocese (cf. the decree: In time of COVID-19 (ii) by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments). Every Priest is expected to celebrate the Holy Week in the Parish church while praying for the intention of the Parishioners who will not be able to attend due to the lockdown in the state. Only the Chrism Mass is postponed to a later date which will be communicated later. All other activities of the Holy Week is expected to be performed according to the liturgical instructions presented in the special circular of March.
6: New Religious Foundation in the Diocese: I appreciate your continuous collaboration with the Clergy, Religious and Laity in the Diocese. I encourage you to remain focused on your prayer life, apostolate and charism, as we await directives from the Propagande Fide on the way forward.
7: Pastoral Responsibility to the Faithful: I want to commend Parishes that have found ways of ministering to the Faithful during this crisis, by paying attention to their spiritual needs through the Sacraments of healing (Anointing of the Sick and Penance) and reaching out to their material needs also. May I remind Parish Priests that our Churches are to remain open during the day for private prayers and devotions. Priests should be available to minister to the spiritual needs of the faithful while taking appropriate cautions and maintaining social distance.
8: Cathedraticum Mass 2020: This is to appreciate all the Priests, Religious and Lay Faithful of Ogbere, Esure, Sagamu and Ijebu-Ode Deaneries for your generosity and kindness during the Cathedraticum Masses celebrated at the above listed deaneries across the Diocese. May God reward you abundantly. Amen.
Thank you as I wish you a blessed and fruitful month of April.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:Grace and Peace of the Lord be with you.
1: The Month of March: I welcome you graciously to the third month of the year. A month in which we launch ourselves fully into the Lenten journey. Lent is a time for penance, renewal and reconciliation. It is a period in which we mortify the flesh through the 3 pillars of Lent: Almsgiving, Prayer and Fasting. Let us sincerely make use of this great opportunity to draw closer to God in holiness and be truly reconciled with God.
2: Pope’s Intention for the month of March 2020: Catholics in China: We pray that the Church in China may persevere in its faithfulness to the Gospel and grow in unity.
3: Lenten Reflection 2020: We thank the Social Communications Commission of the Diocese for putting in place Lenten reflections for the year 2020. During the season of Lent, we shall be opportuned to listen to edifying, nourishing and deep spiritual reflection on each day of Lent from the Bishop and Priests working in the Diocese. These reflections will be posted on the following Social media handles:
Kindly log in to any of these platforms and listen to the inspiring messages from the Priests working in the Diocese. Also, tune in to Lumen Christi Television on DSTV Channel 350 every day during Lent at 7:15pm to listen to the reflections.
4: Annual Marian Pilgrimage 2020: We thank God for the success of this year’s Marian Pilgrimage and for the journey mercies granted to each and every one of us. We equally thank the pastoral committee led by Fr. Simon Mayungbe for the co-ordination and planning towards the success of the event. At the closing Mass of the pilgrimage, I emphasized the importance of keeping the place clean throughout the year. We welcome suggestions from individuals, deaneries and Church societies on how to do this. We equally solicit for generous contributions and support. God bless you as you donate generously to God’s cause. The bank details where payment can be made is:
Account Name: All Purpose Committee, Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode
Account Number: 0030825687
Bank: Access (Diamond) Bank
5: Novena to Saint Joseph: As a continuation of the call for monthly Novena for the sake of our Diocese I invite you all to take up, for this month of March, the novena to Saint Joseph. This 9 days novena will start on March 10 – March 18, 2020. This is expected to take place in all Catholic families, parishes, houses of formation and institutions across the Diocese simultaneously.
6: Cathedraticum Masses: The Cathedraticum Mass is a celebration in which the Catholic faithful in the deanery gather round their Bishop to pray with him and support him materially to aid his work of charity to the poor and needy. This year’s Cathedraticum Masses will take place as follows:
This has been communicated officially to all the Deans of the Deaneries. I still await a reply from them regarding the venue where the Masses will take place at the various deaneries.
7: Bishop Albert Fasina and Msgr. Victor Ajayi 40th Priestly Ordination Anniversary: This is to inform us that our Emeritus Bishop and Msgr. Victor Ajayi will clock 40 years as Priests on March 8, 2020. There shall be a celebration for them at Holy Family Catholic Church, G.R.A. Sagamu on that day by 10:00am. However, the Diocesan celebration will come up during the Diocesan Thanksgiving Day Mass which will come up on 30th May, 2020 at Saint Sebastian Catholic Cathedral by 11:00am. Let us pray for them as they celebrate God’s faithfulness in the Lord’s vineyard.
8: Priests’ Annual Retreat: The Priests annual retreat for the year 2020 will come up from March 22nd – 27th, 2020 at Abbe-Louis Bautain Retreat and Conference Centre. This is a statutory retreat which every Priest must partake in every year. As such, it is important for all Priests engaged in pastoral work in this diocese to be a part of this spiritual exercise. Priests are encouraged to see Fr. Simon Mayungbe and make necessary payments to him.
9: 2020 International Eucharistic Congress (IEC), Budapest, Hungary: This is to inform all interested Priests, Religious and Laity that the 2020 International Eucharistic Congress (IEC) will take place from September 13 to September 20, 2020 in Budapest, Hungary. The cost for this congress is Euro 2,750 (2 in a room) or Euro 3,000 (1 in a room) plus N30,000 non-refundable fee. This amount will cover visa processing, travel insurance, international flight tickets, registration for the IEC, accommodation, feeding, materials, ground transport in Budapest and other expenses. Interested persons should contact the following persons for further information about this congress:
Thank you as I wish you a blessed and fruitful month of March.